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VR headset recommendation


VR glasses and helmets were first heavy, primitive, inconvenient, and expensive. However, technologies have developed, so the VR headsets did. In 2013 the VR history changed utterly. Technology has improved VR performance, making the VR business look close to as we have it now.

More than eight years have passed, so sure, now VR is pretty powerful. The VR business shows prosperous perspectives. Many entrepreneurs will try to enter the niche in 2022. Are you thinking about opening a VR club? If so, read this article about starting a VR club. We've mentioned a lot of pitfalls and prepared many helpful hacks to improve the start.

VR means Virtual Reality. It is a general name for all the worlds modelled using computers and other modern devices. Usually, VR requires special equipment. For instance, headphones, VR glasses, headsets, gloves, etc.

The price depends on the type you are choosing. VR isn't the most expensive entertainment to try. One session typically costs up to $20.

The most popular VR options: VR clubs are the clubs to gather and play VR games. They offer many exciting games and funny & educational activities. VR art galleries or Virtual Reality exhibitions are popular among modern art lovers. VR museums allow interactive art performances and other cultural stuff.

Not at all. If you follow all the rules, it is 100% safe. For example, the recommendations are not to play VR games or visit VR museums more than twice per week. Also, you shouldn't spend more than 1 hour per game in a VR club.

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VR helmets types

VR is a popular business nowadays. Naturally, the demand has created its supply. A lot of companies produce VR helmets and other VR equipment. You can choose a good option for any case. Some VR lovers select budget minimalistic solutions. In comparison, others invest in complex Pro-devices. Choose what's the best option in your case. We have prepared a short checklist on VR helmets types. Let's take a look at it!

Three types of VR helmets:

  1. Non-immersive VR helmets. The VR helmets with mobile equipment. A special app in your smartphone connects with this type of helmet. The gadget is placed into the front part of the helmet to allow a player to enjoy video games and other stuff.

  2. Semi-immersive VR helmets. They have come to change the previous type. This type of VR equipment has its software inside. They do not require any additional gadgets to work well. These helmets can be connected to the computer. However, there is no need to do it all the time. The helmets track all the movements and smoothly immerse a player in VR reality.

  3. Fully-immersive VR simulations are headsets with their own VR software, which you can connect to a computer or game console. The powerful laptop helps to keep the graphics standards extremely high.

Comparing the models pay attention to the following notions:

  • design and comfort,

  • whether it's easy-to-use,

  • whether it's powerful enough,

  • graphics and sound,

  • tracking movement,

  • memory capacity,

  • software type,

  • wired/wireless connection,

  • price,

  • band reputation.

VR helmets for games & exhibitions

Non-immersive VR equipment or a 3DOF VR helmet is the cheapest option. The helmets track head movements without any other dimensions.

  • This type is the basic one. It doesn't have all the PRO features but still copes with VR videos and simple games.

  • 3D graphics here is more like a cartoon type. The equipment is wireless and pretty light.

Semi-immersive helmets. Starting with 2020, this type of VR helmet is equipped with 2k video resolution, 90 GHz refresh rate and a powerful CPU.

  • The helmet tracks movement along and around three axes, providing 6 degrees of VR freedom (6DOF).

  • 6DOF provides a complete immersion into the VR world. There is no need to connect the helmet to any laptop, so it's handy to move using it.

  • This type of VR equipment allows seeing VR stuff via different dimensions. It is very close to a real-life view.

  • Powerful sound system. Semi-immersive VR helmets have an audio system. Its power is enough to work well in crowded places like malls or VR exhibitions. These helmets are suitable for VR museums.

Fully immersive VR simulations offer a wired connection to the computer. It is beneficial for heavy games. These headsets create their system, so they are perfect for business and private purposes. VR clubs are usually built based on these VR solutions.

  • Wired connection provides 4k video resolution for each eye. Thanks to such high resolution, even the tiniest texts will be well-seen and easy to read.

  • Fully immersive sets are expensive. Their price depends on the features the helmet includes.

Always test the equipment. VR club requires only professional stuff, so make sure to test it well before opening.

VR set for your business: what's included

There are many VR set types, so several prices. But, first, let's see what the most popular VR equipment sets are.

  • Headset + controller: Oculus Go will cost about $400. It is a Chinese VR helmet for gamers. The headset allows total immersion into the VR world. At the same time, the controller helps to coordinate in this reality.

  • Oculus Quest 2 is a mighty helmet with excellent graphics (1832х1920 for each eye). CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 helps to cope even with any game. The headset offers up to 256 GB of memory. The kit includes a VR headset, an insert for regular VR glasses, two joysticks, a power supply and a power cable. This headset will cost about $450.

  • Primax 8K X is a 200-degree viewing angle helmet with a 4k ultra-high-resolution display which allows the best VR experience for business and domestic purposes. The equipment will cost you up to $2500: the price depends on its memory and seller.

  • XTAL 8K is the best choice for aviators, expert racers and professional designers. It is equipped with an Intel Core i7 and a GeForce GTX 2060 or higher graphics card. XTAL 8K Headset offers Vive Tracking ClipOn, USB danglers (Vive Controllers support) and maintenance supplies – one of the most expensive VR choices. XTAL 8K costs about $30 000.

Should I buy second-hand VR stuff

"Should I get a second-hand VR helmet?" – is among the TOP questions for many businessmen. Well, you can. Why not? If you are low on budget and would like to save, consider this option.

The market is full of second-hand VR solutions. The main thing is to check the equipment well. Then, choose trustworthy sellers with positive client reviews. That's your guarantee of a good product.

We advise buying VR helmets on platforms like Amazon. Then, even if something happens, the website will be on your side. It offers convenient rules both for clients and sellers.

Also, make sure that the equipment you get will work for a long time. It is hard to do, but we must. Buying second-hand stuff may save you money, but it'll waste your nerves.

VR equipment maintenance

VR glasses and helmets are sensitive. They cost a lot, so you may want to protect this equipment from sunlight and other damages. The best solution is to cover all the screens when they aren't in active use. There are special papers and other options.

Microfiber napkins for electronics are handy for cleaning such gentle surfaces. We also advise blowing out slots with compressed air to keep dust out.

If you are a big chain and have a lot of visitors, get single-use masks to protect both equipment and guests. The masks aren't expensive and are pretty helpful to work with daily. Use Amazon to find all the consumables for VR maintenance.

VR software

VR business is an active niche to enter. A lot of business owners have already invested in VR clubs and exhibitions. Clients demand it, so why not?

When starting a VR club or museum, the main thing to know is smart business planning and quality equipment. Both are extremely important. A famous VR club offers more than others. There are two basic options to cope with this task:

  • Investing in high-quality and rare VR helmets.

  • Motivating team to work the best possible.

It sounds like team motivation may be more accessible. Actually, yes and no. You'll win if you know how to motivate your staff well. However, it doesn't mean that staff motivation does not require investment.

EasyWeek software advises helping your employees by automating routines. Unfortunately, too many daily processes eat time and steal energy. Pretty often, they are irritating. Sure, they have to be done but remember that people should work smartly. CRM is the best solution for VR automation.

VR software offers total process automation, 24/7 online appointments, a free website and much more. Would you like to try it? Then we have some good news for you! EasyWeek offers handy and affordable business automation. It suits both small and midsize businesses.


Opening a VR business is a challenging task that requires thoughtful planning, business automation and the best quality equipment. If you are going to start a VR club, pay attention to its team and location.

The business is expensive because of its equipment. We are sure you'd like to save, so do it! Select quality second-have VR sets, check them well, why not?

Would you like to save even more? Then connect VR software to automate routines and offer your employees the freedom of comfortable work. Try EasyWeek software for free.

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