Business's best assistant
EasyWeek is your perfect tool for effective booking control, payment tracking, and analytics to help your business grow and thrive.
Meet EasyWeek
EasyWeek is a leading online booking platform with its headquarters in Germany. The project was founded in 2019 as a startup division in the Awescode company. It quickly established itself as a reliable provider of innovative digital solutions for various industries. Our mission is to contribute to the digital prosperity of business.
![About picture 1](
AWESCODE launched EasyWeek to meet the demand for online booking.
![About picture 2](
The first version of EasyWeek was released, and testing began in real companies.
![About picture 3](
Hundreds of ideas for service improvement were adopted. A free tariff was introduced.
![About picture 4](
The growth reached 300% within a year, successfully processing over 1 million bookings.
![About picture 5](
Just six months later, there were already 2 million bookings and 23 million notifications for customers.
![About picture 6](
The team expanded to 30 people. EasyWeek entered new markets.
![About picture 7](
EasyWeek underwent rebranding, the website was updated, and the infrastructure was improved.
![About picture 8](
The platform processes over 1 million bookings monthly. EasyWeek is constantly evolving, and we, the EasyWeek team, tirelessly work on improvements.
Behind every great product is a strong team
We believe that the success of the company lies in our team, and we are focused on attracting and retaining talent.
![Behind every great product is a strong team](